Accepting Your Reality: The First Step to Growth

Peter Ayeni
1 min readAug 26, 2023

Embracing our current state is paramount to growth. This acceptance doesn’t mean settling for less, but rather confronting our present situation head-on. It’s like acknowledging, “At this moment, I have areas of weakness.”

While words of affirmation have their place – and proclaiming faith such as “Though I am weak, I am strong” can be empowering – it’s essential to approach life with humility. This involves recognizing our limitations, shortcomings, and areas in need of improvement. Accepting this reality is what sets us on a path towards meaningful change, allowing us to achieve our aspirations more efficiently.

Consider aspiring to be the world’s fastest sprinter. Merely proclaiming it doesn’t make it so. One needs to step onto the track, test endurance, gauge fitness, and face numerous trials. This process provides the necessary reality check: Is sprinting the right path for you? If so, what areas require attention to rise to the top?

In essence: If you’re unaware of what’s lacking, you won’t know what to seek.

So, embrace your reality. ✅



Peter Ayeni

Senior Frontend Engineer. I change the world by helping people get started in Tech and Social Entrepreneurship.